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7 estrategias eficaces de marketing en redes sociales para hoteles

Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Cofundador y Jefe de Producto
Discover how effective social media marketing strategies can boost your hotel's brand visibility, engagement, and bookings. Learn key tactics for success in the hospitality industry.
7 estrategias eficaces de marketing en redes sociales para hoteles

Social media has become integral to modern marketing, especially in the hospitality industry. For hotels, an effective social media presence can significantly enhance visibility, engage with current and potential guests, and drive bookings. This article explores the impact of social media on hotels and presents seven effective strategies to harness its power.

What is the impact of social media marketing on hotels?

Social media marketing is a vital component in the hospitality industry, significantly impacting the visibility and brand reputation of hotels. By leveraging various social media strategies, hotels can engage directly with a diverse audience, create visually compelling content, and foster real-time interactions with guests. Key metrics such as engagement rates, referral traffic, and conversion rates serve as critical indicators of success for marketers in the hotel business.

A prime example of the impact of social media marketing on hotels is the redesign of the Mondrian Hotel 2019 in 2019. During this project, social media was integral to the planning and execution phases. Aidan Marus, the hotel's Director of Nightlife, emphasized the role of social media strategy from the outset. "Initial discussions focused on how new furniture, fixtures, and designs would influence social media interaction. We anticipated that Michael's popsicle mural would become a key visual attraction as guests enter Skybar from the Sunset entrance," Marus noted. This case illustrates how hoteliers can harness social media marketing tools to shape design and operational decisions, enhancing both the hotel's appeal and overall guest experience.

By incorporating social media into their marketing approach, hotels can effectively utilize marketing tools to amplify their brand presence, engage with potential guests, and drive bookings. This strategic use of social media marketing demonstrates its profound impact on the success and reputation of hotels in the competitive hospitality industry.

How can social media marketing influence consumer decisions in hotel selection?

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing decisions regarding hotel selection–especially in this era of millennials and Gen Z travellers. With 55% of consumers liking a hotel brand’s Facebook page to gather more information about the property, social media is essential for brand discovery and enhancing visibility.

User-generated content significantly impacts potential guests, with 76% of people sharing their vacation photos on various social media platforms. This trend underscores the importance of being "Instagram-worthy" and utilizing popular hashtags and location tags to increase a hotel's visibility. Positive reviews and engaging content on platforms like TripAdvisor and Google Reviews build credibility and trust, serving as crucial factors for travelers. Additionally, effective use of Facebook ads and marketing platforms can further amplify word of mouth, driving awareness and bookings through enhanced social media presence.

To learn more about online listing and review platforms that affect the online presence of hotel brands? Read our article Optimize Your Hotel Listings to Increase Bookings - All You Need to Know

What are the 7 effective social media marketing strategies for hotels?

Implementing effective social media marketing strategies is crucial for hotels to enhance their online presence and connect with potential guests. Here are seven key strategies that hoteliers should consider:

a. Optimize social media profiles and content for search

Statistics reveal that properties with well-maintained photo galleries see about 138% more user engagement and are 225% more likely to secure bookings compared to those less active on social media. SEO extends to social media platforms, where hotels should utilize relevant keywords, high-quality images, and consistent branding. Crafting well-written descriptions and using strategic hashtags can significantly boost discoverability. For instance, incorporating location tags and area-specific hashtags can attract travelers searching for accommodations in that region.

Learn more about how Google ranks search results in this article.

optimized facebook
A fully-optimized hotel Facebook page with reservation links, contact details, and more.

b. Leverage user-generated content and online reviews

A survey by Expedia found that 30% of Americans are influenced by social media when booking a trip. Sharing user-generated content (UGC) and positive online reviews can enhance a hotel brand’s credibility. Encouraging guests to share their experiences and repurposing this content for marketing campaigns can build a trustworthy image. Hotels can also run campaigns that incentivize guests to post reviews or share photos, which can be featured on the hotel's Facebook page, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

facebook review
The simple act of responding to online Facebook or Instagram reviews boosts their visibility to your target audience.

Learn how to measure the ROI of online reviews in our article: Understanding the ROI of Online Review Ratings: Metrics, KPIs, and More


c. Utilize paid social media advertising for targeted campaigns

Paid social media advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram allows hotels to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. With an average conversion rate of about 9% on Facebook ads and an average CPC ranging from $0.26 to $0.97 hotels can create ads that highlight special offers, seasonal promotions, or unique amenities. Monitoring ad performance and adjusting targeting and content to optimize ROI is crucial. Effective budgeting and a clear understanding of ad metrics are key to successful advertising campaigns that drive bookings.

Google Hotel ads is one of the most lucrative digital ad platforms for the hotel industry. Discover how to leverage paid advertisements across Google's platforms in our article Google Hotel Ads: The Savvy Hotelier’s Ultimate Guide

A sample of a Facebook ad.

d. Engage with influencers and brand ambassadors

Influencer marketing can amplify a hotel's reach and authenticity, with conversion rates for such campaigns ranging from 1% to 5%. Partnering with travel influencers and brand ambassadors who align with the hotel's target audience can be highly effective. Negotiating terms, setting clear campaign objectives, and measuring impact are essential steps. For example, inviting an influencer to stay at the hotel and share their experience can generate authentic video content and increase visibility among their followers.

Sample of an influencer marketing campaign for the hotel industry. Source: Find Your Influencer

Caption: Sample of an influencer marketing campaign for the hotel industry. Source: Find Your Influencer

e. Implement seasonal and event-based marketing campaigns

Aligning social media content with seasonal trends and local events can drive engagement and bookings of up to 84%. Hotels can create social media posts around holidays, festivals, or local attractions. For instance, promoting a winter getaway package during the holiday season or highlighting special events like a local food festival can attract potential guests and encourage bookings. These market campaigns leverage popular hashtags and location tags to maximize reach.

7Pines Resort Ibiza updates all its social media platforms, including LinkedIn, with any upcoming events.

f. Create interactive and engaging content

Interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, and live video sessions, can significantly boost user engagement by up to 70%. Hotels can use these tools to gather feedback, entertain, and inform their audience. Examples include virtual tours of the property, Q&A sessions with staff, or interactive polls about guest preferences. This approach creates a dynamic social media presence that resonates with potential guests and encourages engagement.

Caption: A hotel brand engaging Facebook followers to join a trivia game–a perfect way to educate millennials about the history of their brand.

g. Monitor and analyze social media performance

Using analytics tools to track social media performance is essential for continuous improvement. Metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversion rates provide insights into what works and what doesn’t. Regularly reviewing these metrics and adjusting strategies based on performance data can lead to more effective campaigns. Tools like Facebook Insights, Instagram Analytics, and third-party platforms like Hootsuite offer valuable data for refining social media strategies and achieving better results.

Social media marketing platforms such as Hootsuite can track the performance of social media posts across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and more. Source: Hootsuite Blog

By integrating these strategies, hotels can enhance their social media marketing efforts, connect more effectively with their target audience, and drive success in the competitive hotel industry.

What is the best social media marketing strategy for luxury hotels?

Luxury hotels should implement a sophisticated social media strategy that reflects their high-end brand and appeals to affluent travelers. Crafting visually stunning content that showcases the hotel's opulent amenities, exquisite dining experiences, and breathtaking views is crucial. Using high-quality video content and virtual tours on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest can effectively captivate and engage a discerning audience.

7Pines Resort Ibiza's well-curated Instagram feed.

Exclusive offers and personalized experiences, highlighted through strategic social media management, further elevate the hotel's prestige. Collaborations with luxury influencers who authentically share posts about their high-end experiences can significantly boost the hotel's visibility among their affluent followers.

For example, 7Pines Resort Ibiza effectively utilizes Instagram to showcase its luxurious amenities and stunning views, attracting a high-end clientele. They also leverage Facebook and LinkedIn to promote exclusive events, maintaining a robust social media presence across multiple social media platforms. This multi-platform approach ensures the brand connects with potential guests through diverse channels, enhancing its overall marketing strategy.

What is the best social media strategy for independent hotels?

Independent hotels should adopt a cost-effective social media strategy that highlights their unique characteristics and fosters local engagement. Emphasizing the hotel's distinctive decor, personalized service, or historic significance can set it apart from larger chains. Social media management tools can help streamline these efforts and optimize engagement.

Leveraging local partnerships and promoting nearby attractions through social media posts can create mutually beneficial promotional opportunities. Engaging with the local community by sharing posts about local events, the hotel's history, and nearby attractions helps craft a compelling narrative that resonates with guests seeking authentic experiences.

Hosting contests and giveaways on platforms like Twitter and Pinterest can drive engagement and expand the hotel's reach. For instance, running a social media contest where guests tweet their favorite local spots or experiences generates user-generated content and enhances visibility. This personalized, community-focused approach helps independent hotels build a loyal customer base and stand out in a competitive market.

Boost your social media strategy through AI-powered online reputation management – MARA

Managing online reviews is a critical aspect of a successful social media strategy. MARA, our AI Review Assistant, seamlessly integrates online reputation management with social media efforts. This intuitive tool is designed to ease your Online Reputation Management process, making it more efficient, personalized, and time-saving. It offers the best and most personalized AI for responding to and analyzing your guest reviews.

Bandeja de entrada de revisiones potenciada por IA

Una de las características clave de esta herramienta es la Bandeja de entrada de valoraciones. Tu bandeja de entrada de opiniones hace que responder a las opiniones sea tan sencillo como pulsar "Generar respuesta" y hacer clic en "Enviar". La bandeja de entrada de opiniones se conecta a múltiples fuentes de opiniones, como Google, y Tripadvisor, lo que te proporciona una visión panorámica de todas tus opiniones. E incluso puedes configurar la automatización de la respuesta a las reseñas: ¿Por qué no permites que MARA responda automáticamente a reseñas sencillas, como las de 5 estrellas de Google sin texto, asegurándote de que nunca se te escapa una reseña? Las notificaciones diarias sobre nuevas reseñas te mantienen actualizado y en control.

Buzón de revisión MARA

Avanzado Review Analytics

Para ayudarte a comprender y analizar la multitud de reseñas, el Asistente de Reseñas también incorpora Review Analytics. Esto proporciona información procesable y fácil de entender, adaptada exclusivamente a tu negocio. Con MARA, puedes obtener rápidamente lo esencial de todas tus reseñas sin necesidad de leer cada una de ellas. El análisis es tan detallado que puedes averiguar problemas concretos como "el agua de la piscina está demasiado fría" o "falta de opción de desayuno vegano". Estos conocimientos ayudan a optimizar la experiencia de los huéspedes sin necesidad de que seas un experto en datos.

MARA Review Analytics

La respuesta más personal AI

La IA de MARA no es sólo eficacia; también es personalización. La función Voz de marca permite a la IA adaptarse a tu tono, asegurándose de que tus respuestas suenen auténticamente a ti. Además, con los fragmentos inteligentes, puedes "enseñar" a la IA cómo responder a alabanzas o quejas recurrentes. La IA incorpora entonces esta información a sus respuestas, pero siempre con palabras diferentes, proporcionando respuestas más personalizadas y relevantes.

Este asistente de respuesta a las opiniones se ha convertido rápidamente en un cambio de juego para más de 2000 clientes. Su prometedora capacidad para elevar tu valoración general, amplificar los índices de respuesta, obtener información de las opiniones de los clientes y ahorrar tiempo y dinero, es la razón de su creciente popularidad.

,Managing online reviews need not be an overwhelming task. With the appropriate software, not only can you streamline the process, but you can also personalize your responses, and derive valuable insights from the reviews. So, why hesitate to give our AI Review Assistant, MARA, a try? It's completely free for testing, doesn't require a credit card, and can be fully operational in less than five minutes.

Reflexión final

A comprehensive social media marketing strategy is crucial for driving success in the hotel business. Hoteliers must leverage various social media platforms to build and enhance their hotel brand. By optimizing social media profiles, utilizing influencer marketing, and engaging with influencers to reach the target audience, hotels can significantly boost their online presence. Effective use of paid advertising on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn further amplifies reach and engagement. Marketers in the hotel industry should continually refine their approach based on industry trends and performance metrics to ensure sustained success.


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Preguntas más frecuentes:

What is social media marketing in the hospitality industry?

Social media marketing in the hospitality industry involves leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote hotels, engage with guests, and drive bookings through a variety of online activities.

What is the role of social media in hospitality marketing?

Social media plays a multifaceted role in hospitality marketing by increasing brand awareness, engaging with customers, fostering loyalty, and showcasing hotel amenities and experiences.

Why should a hotel have a presence on social media?

A strong social media presence enhances a hotel's visibility, enables direct engagement with potential and current guests, and supports reputation management through real-time feedback and reviews.

How can hospitality companies benefit from a social media presence?

Benefits include improved brand perception, increased bookings, enhanced customer insights, and the ability to run targeted marketing campaigns that reach specific demographics and interests.

How often should a hotel post on social media?

Posting frequency should balance consistency with quality. Industry best practices suggest posting at least a few times a week, with frequency tailored based on the social media platform and audience engagement patterns.

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